Weekly Groups

If you are a professional actor and interested in meeting up with other professional actors to practice and share your skills, then check out these weekly studios:

Edinburgh - Actors Kitchen; email d.f.acting@gmail.com
The Actors Kitchen meets every Thursday and is a place to hone and share your skills while enjoying the support and inspiration that comes from fellow actors gathering together. The Kitchen is always happy to hear from professional actors interested in becoming part of the group. There are workshops led by practitioners, covering various skills / subjects.  Screen Academy Scotland kindly collaborates with the Kitchen to provide the venue.  Workshops and any closed dates - see site.

Glasgow - The Actors Bothy; email admin@theactorsbothy.com
The Actors Bothy is a weekly Meisner studio with a reasonable fee structure in place.

This is run by Chandra Mather and a great way to become comfortable with your singing voice if you are not yet secure with it (and if you are, it's a great way to get in some enjoyable practice). Please contact Chandra for details re. Venue (central Edinburgh). Meetings are 7pm - 9.30pm, on Tuesdays, with a suggested donation of just £2.

Chandra has developed an approach based on the philosophy of the Natural Voice Practitioners Network that singing is our birthright, to be enjoyed, without worrying about having a “good” voice or “getting it right”. For thousands of years people have sung - to express joy, celebration and grief, to accompany work and devotion, to aid healing - a part of life, a way of binding the community together. She aims to recreate the sense that vocalising and singing together is natural and available to all.

Chandra trained with Frankie Armstrong, the pioneer of the Natural Voice Technique. She is a member of the Natural Voice Practitioners Network (NVPN) and completed a Masters Program at the University of Edinburgh in Music in the Community. She is also a performing folk musician.