Discover Fine Acting News

Raw Talent Productions have just announced their 2009 programme, including workshops which I will be leading on Line-Learning (first one will be Saturday 14th February) and Shakespeare (first one will be weekend of 18th and 19th April).  Their site has an online booking system, or you can email or call 0131 220 8304.

At the Shakespeare Workshop I enjoyed delivering at the Bedlam Theatre recently I was delighted to learn that one of the attendees is called Will Kemp (hi, Will!).  This was so apt, I felt the need to let you know, and here's a wee bit of info on Shakespeare's Will Kemp(e), who inspired at least one Morris dancing play about his 'Nine Days Wonder'.

I am also delighted to be leading a Shakespeare Workshop for Tightlaced Theatre as part of their New Talent Professional Workshops.  These are designed to assist actors (and so will be very reasonably priced) and this year's programme includes sessions on period dance, stress management and more - keep an eye out  for further details to come.

Due to some changes, I can fit in a couple more people on the new Performance Acting Course running on Mondays until 6th April.  To see all DF Acting classes, visit the main Discover Fine Acting site, where you will also find the Performance Acting Course in the "What's On" section.  Contact me via if you would like to know more.

Read on for further news and events, including the new "Diary Dates" section, and remember,  whatever you are up to - ENJOY!

Danielle Farrow

Diary Dates
Details are included below - click on event title for information (and your browser's back button should return you here)



Professional Actor Studios

If you are a professional actor and interested in meeting up with other professional actors to practice and share your skills - for free - then contact:
Edinburgh - Actors Kitchen (Facebook); email
Glasgow - The Actors Bothy; email

The Actors Kitchen meets every Thursday and is a place to hone and share your skills while enjoying the support and inspiration that comes from fellow actors gathering together - all for free.  The Kitchen is currently working on scenes from contemporary plays and is happy to hear from professional actors interested in becoming part of the group.  The Scottish Screen Academy collaborates with the Kitchen to provide the venue.

The Actors Bothy is a free weekly Saturday studio where professional actors can collaborate and maintain their skills. Focus is mainly on the Meisner technique, but sessions have also included or fused with techniques connected to Stanislavski, The Method, Laban, Chekhov, and more. The CCA kindly donates the space for  this work.  See also Meisner Workshop.

Forest Choir
This is a community choir run by Chandra Mather and a great way to become comfortable with your singing voice if you are not yet secure with it (and if you are, it's a great way to get in some enjoyable practice).  The Choir's venue is changing, so please contact Chandra for details.  Meetings are 7pm - 9.30pm, on Tuesdays.

Chandra has developed an approach based on the philosophy of the Natural Voice Practitioners Network that singing is our birthright, to be enjoyed, without worrying about having a “good” voice or “getting it right”. For thousands of years people have sung - to express joy, celebration and grief, to accompany work and devotion, to aid healing - a part of life, a way of binding the community together. She aims to recreate the sense that vocalising and singing together is  natural and available to all.

Chandra trained with Frankie Armstrong, the pioneer of the Natural Voice Technique. She is a member of the Natural Voice Practitioners Network (NVPN) and completed a Masters Program at the University of Edinburgh in Music in the Community. She is also a performing folk musician.

ACTive INquiry
- Theatre of the Oppressed Training Workshops
There are a few places left on the two weekend training courses offered by ACTive INquiry, Devising Forum Theatre and The Art of the Joker - see ACTive INquiry at DFA Information.  Note that freelance artists can book on at the concession rate.  Contact by email: or phone: 0771 4321 629.  Further details can be found at

Raw Talent Productions - Line-Learning Workshop: Own Those Words!
The actor’s nightmare? The way in which we learn lines can greatly influence our final performances.

Line-learning can feel like a chore which is separate from acting itself.  After all, just saying your lines and not bumping into the furniture is not usually enough for those who care about acting, but scripted performance does require these two basics.

But fear not: line-learning can be interesting and can include freedom of movement.  This workshop teaches an enjoyable technique that helps you to avoid building up set patterns that then block your creativity and, very importantly, it leads you into taking ownership of your words.

Bring a piece that you wish to start learning; where your piece is an excerpt from a larger work, it helps to be familiar with the context - e.g. read the play.

This is one of the workshops I am leading as part of Raw Talent Production's 2009 Programme.  There are various dates available for this workshop, and it is worth asking about the incentive offered for booking the first one of 14th Feb!

Israel & Unger
- Contact Improvisation and Yoga Weekend
Workshops + Jam with Merav Israel & Meriel Unger
Sat 14 Feb, 10am -17pm & Sun 15 Feb, 10am - 18pm
Drill Hall, Out of the Blue, Dalmeny Street, Edinburgh -
2 days £65 (Conc. £50)

Booking in advance (places are limited)
Merav:, 07821335757
Monica:, 07981582879

Meriel Unger - I have been exploring and practicing yoga for 14 years and have taught for 10. I originally trained in India and have continued to deepen and enrich my understanding, practice, living and technique of yoga ever since.  I have been inspired  by other teachers and students of yoga, poets, musicians, nature, dance - in essence life itself. My practice varies from day to day depending on what I feel I need. A central theme in my teaching is connecting with the breath and honouring one's individual needs through the conscious practice of yoga. During this weekend I would like to reconnect with the simple truths and inner processes of yoga and move away from the emphasis on external form.

Merav Israel - movement, dance, improvisation, contact improvisation, yoga, classical Indian dance, music, meditation, feldenkrais and many other ways to develop and learn about ourselves, our interactions, and art have been my main focus and inspiration. I have been teaching and creating work for 10 years. I love inviting other teachers and artists to collaborate with. I am interested in the dialogue and in the integration possible in our practice and in ourselves. In the past 7 years I've been very much intrigued by the parallel internal and external techniques of the classical east and the postmodern west. In this weekend I'd like to explore how the different techniques and disciplines influence and enhance our practices and our way of being in the world.

Jessica Hernández - Clowning Workshop
A chance to discover and express the clown within you in a supportive and playful atmosphere. No experience required!  See the What's On section of News Page Issue 1 in DFA Archives for details.
Sat. 21st February 2009, 10am to 4.30pm
£30, £15 concessions. Minimum age: 16
Booking essential. To book a place, please call 01330 825431 or 01330 825432

Royal Lyceum Theatre - Play Day Workshop
A drama workshop using costumes and props from the Lyceum store to create character and a Play in a Day. Using improvisation and devising techniques. Age 16 years +
Sat. 25th April 2009, 10.30am to 4pm     Cost: £10 / £5 from Lyceum Box Office     Tel: 0131 248 4848

For more information about this season's workshops or performances, including booking, call 0131 248 4848 or visit

Raw Talent Productions - Shakespeare Workshop: Taste Those Words!
Shakespeare's stories and characters are rightly popular to this day.  It is his language, though, that both attracts in its rich beauty and repels when seen as complex and hard to grasp.

This workshop looks at meaning, verse and practical expression, and builds up techniques for tackling Shakespearean language.  Come, 'feast your ears' and tongues!

This is one of the workshops I am leading as part of Raw Talent Production's 2009 Programme.  There are various dates available for this workshop.

Scott Williams - Meisner Workshop
The Actors Bothy is delighted to announce a 5 day Meisner workshop with Impulse Theatre Company’s Artistic Director
Scott Williams:
May  10, 11, 12, 13, 14

The famous Meisner Technique as it is taught at the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York, whose alumni include Robert Duval, Sidney Pollack and David Mamet. This off-shoot of Stanislavsky’s method, created by Sanford Meisner, uses three basic exercises to get at the core definition of acting: ‘acting is living truthfully under a given set of circumstances’.
• Scott studied with Sanford Meisner at the Neighbourhood Playhouse. He is founder of the Impulse Company, which works with actors, writers and directors to create vibrant and dynamic theatre.

For an application form, e-mail
* Applications will be selected by CV. We will email people to let them know they have received a place on the course. When your place has been confirmed we ask that you pay the fee within three days, otherwise we will release your place to the next person on the list.


Charioteer Theatre
- Romeo and Juliet (Are Dead)
Returning from a sell-out run at the Piccolo Theatre of Milan, Charioteer Theatre are bringing Romeo and Juliet (Are Dead) back to Scotland. The hour-long adaptation will tour across northern Scotland, from Mallaig to Aberdeen.  Dates, times and places vary.  See the What's On section of News Page Issue 1 in DFA Archives for information about the play itself, and contact or call 0776 509 6709 for performance details.

Siege Perilous @ GRV - Night Duty and Desk Job
Edinburgh-based theatre company Siege Perilous has teamed up with established multi-media arts venue The GRV in Guthrie Street to launch a new theatrical venture. Siege Perilous are to introduce an annual programme of theatre productions of their own work and that of other professional theatre companies. This will comprise mainly new writing complemented by adaptations, providing opportunities for emerging new writers and companies to showcase their work. Each show will run for four nights from Sunday to Wednesday, starting 8pm. A feature of the programme is that tickets will be at a single fixed price of £5.  The first production takes place from Sunday 15th until Wednesday 18th February, includes performers from The Actors Kitchen, and features a double-bill of new writing:

Night Duty (or The Unreliable Ramblings of Madmen!) by Glasgow writer Mark Russell is directed by Helen-Marie O’Malley. It takes an irreverent and surreal look at the world of politics, philosophy and physics. A fast-paced, satirical, comical drama which was well-received when first performed at the 2006 NewWriting NewWorlds Festival in Glasgow.  Running time – approximately 35 minutes.

(15-minute interval between shows)

Desk Job by Paul Bishop directed by Andy Corelli. This dark comedy takes a critical look at the perceived hierarchies in the 9-5 office world. It is performed as a series of short, sharp scenes between manager and subordinate with a sweet twist at the end! Running time – approximately 45 minutes.

Tickets can be reserved by calling 0131 554 3005 or emailing For further information, see

St Columba's DS - Blithe Spirit by Noël Coward
Amateur group SCDS presents this classic comedy where socialite and novelist Charles Condomine is haunted by the ghost of his first wife, Elvira, following a séance held by eccentric medium Madame Arcati. Elvira makes continuous, and hilarious, attempts to disrupt Charles' marriage to his second wife, Ruth, despite Mme. Arcati's increasingly desperate attempts to dislodge her.  Takes place at Blackhall St Columba's Church, Wedn. 25th to Fri. 27th March.

Big Village - Harvey by Mary Chase
This is a wonderful comedy and three of my students are in it!  Harvey is a very tall rabbit and the imaginary friend of Elwood P. Dowd (played by the wonderful James Stewart in the film).  When Elwood starts to introduce Harvey to guests at a society party, his sister Veta can take no more and tries to have him committed - with hilarious results.  This amateur production takes place at The Bedlam Theatre, Thurs. 2nd to Sat. 4th of April.

King's Theatre
- Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett, directed by Sean Mathias
Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart star - worth checking to see if there are tickets left!
Mon. 13th to Sat. 18th April 2009 - 7.30pm / Wed. & Sat. 2.30pm
King's Theatre, Edinburgh - 0131 529 6000


Arkle Theatre Company
- Auditions for Iron by Rona Munro, directed by John Lally
Edinburgh amateur company, for whom professional actors also audition.

Iron is a very strong drama for 3F and 1M set in a women's prison. Telling the story of a difficult mother-daughter relationship and giving the actors very good roles with which to work, it has four characters:-

Josie, the daughter, mid to late twenties
Fay, her mother
Female guard, mid to late twenties
Male guard, forty five to fifty five.

The audition reading will be on the evening of Monday 9th February and the performances take place on Wednesday 22nd to Saturday 25th April in Edinburgh, and Thursday 30th April to Saturday 2nd May in Melrose. If you are interested, contact Michael Mulligan via for details.

Antonia Doggett's new theatre company
deadline for expressions of interest is 28th Feb. '09
Antonia Doggett would like to hear from actors and other collaborative artists interested in the creation of a new Theatre Company.
The Company intends to make a small repertoire of works (existing plays and original pieces) over the duration of one year, to be performed and toured in 2010.  The proposed Company is primarily formed to facilitate the real possibility of exploration of works over time.  The Company will be based in Glasgow.

Please email for further details.  Antonia also tutors for Raw Talent Productions and their site includes information on her theatre background.

The Grads
- Antigone

This is planned for the Fringe, so keep an eye out for upcoming auditions.  More information about this amateur company can be found at


Tightlaced New Talent - Rehearsed Readings
Once a month, a company of actors will come together to give a public reading of a new playwright’s work. The audience has the option of staying for a feedback session after the reading itself.  Readings will take place on a weeknight.  Keep an eye out for DF Acting updates with further information.  If you are interested in being part of readings, view Tightlaced at DFA Information. (Note: the first reading is chosen and being cast, as at start of February.)

Raw Talent Productions Ltd. are the Scottish Partner for this, Scotland's FIRST and ONLY dedicated trade show and exhibition for ACTORS and PERFORMERS.  There will be an abundance of career and business advice for those who want to endure in the business.  Further information can be found via the Raw Talent website.

The Equity January social was a great gathering, with useful business information and networking opportunities (including Casting Scene and Bridges: The Actors' Agency), as well as fine raffle prizes and lots of fun.  The East of Scotland Equity Branch holds regular meetings and social evenings, and if you would like to know more, please contact

Thoughts of Interest
Just a few thoughts, since the rest of the News Page has been so full.

Since we had a Shakespeare mention early on, let's have one here too:  do you know "Stand up for Shakespeare"?  This is the Royal Shakespeare Company's manifesto for Shakespeare in schools and well worth checking out.

Somewhat relevant, for a wee bit of humour, here's a quote from George Mikes' Shakespeare and Myself:  "Everybody can write; even among professional writers the percentage of those who can write is as high as 12.37. Everybody can write but only a few people can read and that makes the job a shade more difficult."

And on a more 'serious' note, here is some acting advice from Philip Seymour Hoffman:
"Study, find all the good teachers and study with them, get involved in acting to act, not to be famous or for the money. Do plays. It's not worth it if you are just in it for the money. You have to love it."
[from these acting quotes:]

Re. study, here is an article worth a look if you are new to the idea of actions and objectives, or just want a reminder:

Re. a different kind of action, this has just been sent by a friend and may be of interest to you:
ZIMBABWE - The desperate crisis: ROKPA's work - how is it helping?
PRESENTATION and TALK by Trish Swift from the ROKPA Support Network Zimbabwe based in Harare - Free entry. Donations welcome.
Thursday, February 12th - 7.15pm, St John's Church, Princes Str., Edinburgh (corner of Lothian Rd.)
Email for details.

And another event, in aid of Kidney Kids with the Daily Record´s Little Hero Erin MacGill as guest of honour:
Event Date: Sunday 22nd February 2009
Venue: Hilton Grosvenor, Byres Road
Time: 2pm - 5pm
Tickets: Adult £20, Kids £5 (ticket includes food, drink & entertainment)
Details: Erin´s Family Funfair, we will be holding a family fun day to raise awareness of Organ Donation, and all profits will be donated to Kidney Kids. We will have face painters, balloon modellers, caricaturists, circus workshops, hot dog & burger stalls, and popcorn & candy floss. It will be a really good fun day for a fabulous cause, and with Erin as special guest of honour. Stories about Erincan be found here, here and here (after her kidney transplant).

Well, "that's it, folks!" As ever, if you want something included in the next newsletter, email, and feel free to pass the News Page on to anyone who might be interested.

Until next time, then, and remember - the most important advice of all:


THURSDAYS - The Actors Kitchen

SATURDAYS - The Actors Bothy

TUESDAYS - The Forest Cafe Choir


Various dates  
Charioteer Theatre - Romeo and Juliet (Are Dead)

7th & 8th   ACTive INquiry - Theatre of the Oppressed Training Workshops: Devising Forum Theatre

9th  Arkle Theatre Company - Auditions for Iron

Raw Talent Productions - Line-Learning Workshop: Own Those Words!

   Israel & Unger - Contact Improvisation and Yoga Weekend

15th to 18th   Siege Perilous @ GRV - Night Duty and Desk Job

21st   Jessica Hernández - Clowning Workshop

21st & 22nd   ACTive INquiry - Theatre of the Oppressed Training Workshops: The Art of the Joker

28th   Antonia Doggett's new theatre company - deadline for expressions of interest


Date tbc  
Tightlaced New Talent - Rehearsed Readings

25th to 27th   St Columba's Dramatic Society - Blithe Spirit


2nd to 4th  
Big Village - Harvey

13th to 18th   King's Theatre - Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen in Waiting for Godot

18th and 19th   Raw Talent Productions - Shakespeare Workshop: Taste Those Words!

22nd to 25th  
Arkle Theatre Company - Iron, Edinburgh

25th   Royal Lyceum Theatre - Play Day Workshop

30th to 2nd May   Arkle Theatre Company - Iron, Melrose


30th April to 2nd May   Arkle Theatre Company - Iron, Melrose

10th to 14th  
Scott Williams - Meisner Workshop

14th   Raw Talent Productions - Line-Learning Workshop: Own Those Words!


27th   ActorExpo
ISSUE 2     February 2009
Welcome to the second issue of the DF Acting News Page!
Feel free to pass the news link on to anyone you think might be interested, and if you have received this from a friend and wish to have further news sent directly, please email to join the mailing list.  You can also email to make any comments or suggestions - all gratefully received!

Every effort is made to make sure information is correct.  If you should note an error, please do email and amendments will be speedily made.

You can also access the DF Acting News Page by joining the Facebook page of Discover Fine Acting.  Go on, Facebookers, become a fan!
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